Wednesday, August 27, 2014

We Love to Read!

Any day of the week, when you walk into our house there will be books everywhere.  Books piled on the couch from reading time with the two boys.  Books stacked on the bottom of the toy shelves in the living room where they are supposed to be returned after reading time.  Books under the TV and books under the table by the recliners - those are usually the ones I am reading.  Bookshelves full of books downstairs.  Books covering the floor by the bookshelves because the boys follow me downstairs to get Eva from bed and get distracted by all the books, which they pull from the shelves and sit down on the floor to look at and then leave the books there.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness the pictures of Davis reading to Eva are priceless!
