Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Afternoon at Temple Square

Yesterday Darren, Davis, my mom and I went down to do a little sight-seeing at Temple Square. We started at the Church History Museum, which we all loved. Davis loved seeing the big wagon and walking on the cobblestones. Upstairs there is a wonderful area for kids where they can dress up and act out the Nativity, use blocks to build a temple, create stained glass windows, rock baby dolls to sleep, and see pictures from the scriptures, among other things. Davis really enjoyed building his "temple" and rocking the babies. Although, after trying to stand in front of the rocking chair and rock the baby in it, he tossed the baby out because it was apparently throwing off his rhythm.

Then we went across the street to walk through the North Visitor's Center and see the statue of Christ. We also let the sister missionaries guide us through their presentation on families and God's plan for us. It was a great reminder of how lucky we are to be blessed with eternal families. Outside again, we took a quick walk by the temple (our meter was running out!) and Davis kept saying "Big tem-ple!"

It was a great day and a wonderful time spent with wonderful people.

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